How to find us
+359 2 971 55 33
+359 2 971 55 31
If you are coming from the center of Sofia, you will most easily find us by following the route from Orlov Most via "Tsarigradsko shose" Blvd. in the direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the City Airport. At the turn-off before "Al. Zendov" bus stop, you should turn right in order to pass under "Tsarigradsko Shose" Blvd and join "Alexander Zendov" Str. Our office is located at your right-hand side, opposite to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
If you are coming from the City Airport, you take ''Tsarigradsko Shose'' Blvd. heading the City center. After passing by ''Hotel Pliska'' you should exit ''Tsarigradsko Shose'' Blvd. to the right and move straight ahead until the road takes you to a right turn along the Foreign Ministry in the direction of ''Universiada'' Hall. Our office building is located exactly opposite to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at "Al. Zendov ' str. Nr. 1.
Please note that our office building has no entrance for cars on the side of Alexander Zendov str. To use our parking, you need to pass around the building and enter via Alexander von Humboldt str.
Our office is located in the right wing of the building on the 6th floor.